Thursday 24 June 2010

Intro to Ronnys Market

Hello everybody, before i introduce myself and the company, i would just like to thank you for visiting this page and readin my blog. You could have been anywhere else on the web but u decided to be here and i really appreciate it. Thanks :D.

Now id like to get started by introducing myself. Hello my name is ronny and i grew up and in barking, essex in the UK. I Studied bsc honours in computer science and have recently completed my course...(my graduation is in 2 weeks time on the 6th of july).
I am very proud of my achievements as it took alot of hard work and effort to achieve, and now it is time to start my career.

This brings me to my company(Ronnys Market which i want to quickly introduce to you all. I initially fought i would be a software programmer or a website designer which is something more relevant towards my degree (still early days lol), but upon the my journy so far i realised, that i could use my web designing skills to create a online web store that sells everything for cheaper then everyone else!. How is this possible? and why is it different to everyone else's attempt at being the "cheapest around"?.

Well mainly because im not a franchise and i am not afraid to admit that currently i am a one man company, therefore i wont need to pay any staff salary. This allows me to sell my products for really cheap prices.

Another reason why i choose to keep the prices down is because i have never been the greedy type. You see i grew up in poverty and understand the value of money and what sacrafices people make to earn it. That is why i aim to sell my products at a price that allows me to make just about enough profit to survive and still keep my costumers happy, by providing the cheapest products with the best possible service. After all, if i sell products for very cheap and make minimal profit, then obviously i will gain more costumers and more costumers means the minimal profits will add up right?

So now what does this company sell? well when i mentioned that this company sells really cheap products. I didnt mean that the products are poor, hence the reason why they are cheap. eg like the pound shops.

No, infact my company sells items that are of good quality and brand. It is just sold for cheaper on my website. We aim to sell just about every prouct that exists on the plannet so that people can visit my site for any products they wish to purchase. However due to this company being relatively new, along with the lack of funds, the company will start its inventory with just a few hot products that people really wish to purchase but find it hard to buy, due to the expensive prices associated with the products.

Here are a few products that my company website( sells:

Zippo lighters- There are currently a range of 50 zippo lighters selling at ronnys market and each one is garaunteed to be cheaper then the competing sellers.(in stock and ready to sell)

Pressure cookers- There is a range of pressure cookers which again you will find very cheap. (stock will be available and listed on the website from july 2010)

Cook pots- Cook pots, non stick casserole pots/saucepans again going for very cheap.
(stock will be available and listed on the website from july 2010)

Buffet set- There are currently two buffet set which are very nice in both quality and beauty and PRICE!.
(stock will be available and listed on the website from july 2010)

DIY tools- There are many tools from air gun spray for painting to concrete cutter with a price un-matched!.
(stock will be available and listed on the website from july 2010)

I hope this was an interesting read for you guys and if you have any questions then please dont hesitate to ask in the form of a post. I will personally answere to each and every one. Also i am open to any product suggestions and just about anything really. Thank you for your time and once again, heres the website url: -

ps. you can also send me an email at but i would prefere it if you just post on the blog as i have wayyyyyy too many spam emails which might result in me missing your email.


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